Monday, November 3, 2008


Who hasn't decided? You people need to hurry up. Use a dart board for God's sake, or flip a coin, time's running out. How can you not know? What hasn't been said? Is there one teensie weensie word that hasn't been uttered that would cinch it for you? Twenty four hours and then it's over! Lord have mercy! I was just about at the end of my sanity. Another week and I'd be walking around with a Valium drip attached to my arm. I've been avoiding talking to people for weeks, months or is it years? I put a moratorium on political conversations but it didn't matter, no one paid attention to my pleading. They kept jabbering on and on about John and Sarah regardless of my screaming "GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE"!!! I've only watched the weather channel to avoid politics but Alaska was on the big old national map, and I became depressed.

The only thing I'll miss after the votes are counted is Tina Fey as Sarah. I think we'll all miss her. Tina you were kick ass. I hope on Wednesday when I come out from under the bed where I've been hiding, I'll be able to talk to people again. If it's sunny I think "isn't it a nice day?" would be a good way to get started. I really, really like how that sounds .... "isn't it a nice day"? My medicated isolationist position has kept me out of touch, but a lot less agitated.

And please, please, please, regardless of who wins, no talk of 2012. I need to get my hair cut and roots done, to say nothing of how crappy my nails look...I don't want to go back in hiding for at least three years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No! Today is out last chance to come under the bed after you. We Liberals have raised enough money to purchase the United States outright. Well not completely - we had to take out a no document, no down payment, no payments for 50 years extremely high interest loan.

So we took it and with our money we are going to buy the armed forces. Then with some of the troops we'll go about taking everything from the rich and giving some of it to the poor.

Then we'll re-write the Constitution making Nancy Pelosi Queen of the May - oh wait we have someone else slated for that position. We'll just make Mrs Pelosi Queen of the Good.

Happy voting.