Thursday, May 22, 2008

Men, Doomed to Extinction?

Men, be afraid, be very afraid; especially if you can't cook, clean, do laundry, pick paint colors, or go to the cleaners as your future holds a lot of errands. According to my girlfriends no one would re-marry if they got divorced or their husbands died.  I got tired of talking politics as no good ever comes of it these day. "Would you re-marry?" is a more fun line of questioning. The answers have been short and seemed to require far less thinking . "Never" was unanimous. For the record my friends are happily married. Surprised? Not one of my friends is bitter and broke with a voodoo doll of the ex.  I can't help but wonder if sperm was their husbands best feature? 

Here's a helpful husband hint , learn to be alone. Is it really scary to watch a movie in the other room? Would tragedy strike if you ate dinner by yourself? There's always 911. How about having friends; play dates that don't involve cheating. Why don't men talk to each other about real subjects? I think they should chit chat about sex. At least then they wouldn't be cranky thinking they're the only ones not having it. News flash, women talk about sex all the time and don't seem to care about not having it.  It's not personal it's menopause. And for God's sake why do you need to know more than once what time we're coming home? "Put the phone down"!

Am I being harsh? Does the truth hurt? Relax, women aren't really man haters. Personally I like them at dinner. The male species isn't obsolete yet. No one in my girlfriend poll is leaving their man, they just wouldn't sign up for another tour of duty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I thought it was just me.
Even though my DH is fairly well trained, I still wouldn't marry again.

janeyknitting AT yahoo DOT ca