Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Boomer Brains

Good news, my brain doesn't have to age along with my face. And btw I still can't find skin cream that makes me happy or less wrinkled. I just read there are exercises to maintain intelligence. This is a relief to we Baby Boomers who are terrified of any aging body part. Men, you have Viagra so I guess your brain is taken care of. I for one, would like to remember what I just said or read. And word retrieval would be helpful....long pauses are embarrassing and only make me forget what I started to say in the first place. It sucks, doesn't it? Thank God, I don't have to memorize the Gettysburg address again or "When in the course of human events, (I forgot the rest).

There are ways to keep the old brain alert. The New York Times quoted an article from the magazine "Wired" which listed these steps: 1) Discover - "Learning new things can keep the brain stimulated and make you smarter". Thursday night while I was eating a salad I "discovered" a piece of my tooth on the plate. Does that count? 2) Don't Panic - "Periods of intense stress essentially turn us into Neanderthals. Try to control your breathing". I screamed when I looked in the mirror and saw the gaping hole in my mouth. Sobbing however, was rhythmic and did help jump start my breathing. 3) Drink Tea - "For optimal brain gain drink tea". I did the math and cutting out $3.75 frapacinos and ordering tea instead will help pay for the crown for my tooth. Smart right? 4) Practice the types of questions that appear on intelligence tests. HUH? 5)Exercise - "Students who are aerobically fit perform better on cognitive tests" Finally something I can do. Except I doubt there's a cognitive test in my future. How about a pop quiz on songs from the sixties?

My brain is full, not smarter, just full. Any ideas on skin cream?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good comments on not going into brain drain and funny as well. Ones mouth is a gaping hole and here is an idea about skin creams - they are to keep your skin moist. However, it is fun to try new skin cream ideas and see if they make any difference. I do it and enjoy it.