Monday, May 19, 2008

"Desperate Housewives" - Desperate Me!

HELP! Statistics beg the baby boomers are going to outlive their money. That's really bad news. I'm sure it's not every last boomer as some haven't spent their 401k on shoes and skin care, but it definitely will be me. I hate statistics but love my shoes. Actually I just looked in my wallet and I am going to outlive that money by 6:00p.m. I regret however, I have already outlived my college education. Why else would I watch the season finale of "Desperate Housewives"? Btw, I planned my day around it. Oh God, there I said it. I planned, watched, and liked it. I should have been watching PBS! My potential! What happened to my potential?! College down the toilet. This week "Grey's Anatomy" comes to a season end. I'm watching that too, and not because Meredith has a personality much like "Hamlet". "Pick McDreamy already you moron! I'm sick of your stupid mother issues. At least she sent you to medical school so you don't outlive your money".

Of course I'm counting the days until the "Sex and the City" movie is released. Yes, I can still count. And no, I can't remember the last time I was so excited about an event...not either wedding...certainly not my 50th birthday...maybe divorce #1 ....and for that matter #2. I have plans with the girlfriends to go to the first screening on the first day. See, I'm shallow, empty and have no life. I should be going to the library. I don't think they have card catalogues or the Dewey Decimal System anymore do they? I wouldn't even be able to find a book. I could pretend Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda remind me of the girls in "Little Women" , but then Beth would have to be a slut. Poor sweet Beth, I can't do that to her. Besides it's hard to look slutty in gingham clothing.

I'm a disappointment to myself. Remember my potential? I barely do, but my mother does. Here's a real blow to my intellect and ego; I'd choose Carrie and company on the silver screen over a Hitchcock or Fellini festival this weekend. I'm so busted. Whereas, I'm terrified of outliving my money and I refuse to give up eating out....I'm getting used to outliving my college education. I really hope Carrie marries Mr. Big.

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