Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm hiding, I'm hiding and no one knows where!

Please, please, please,no one tell Andy A. the nasty weatherman on chanel 5 in Chicago where I am. I escaped his forecasts of winter weather horror and hightailed it to Palm Springs on his day off. Sun and blue, blue sky is mine for the basking and he's stuck in ice and cold. Ha, ha, Andy I've left you and your below zero predictions behind! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. We're so over. So smile your sadistic little smile, as you talk of snow, snow, snow... you can't hurt me now. Ok, ok, I know I sound crazy, but he's got "terrorist" written all over his face. I couldn't take another winter with the guy; his endless weather hysteria scares the bejesus out of me.

On my drive to California I wore my North Face parka as far as Phoenix and then with joy in my heart ripped it off, threw it down and stomped on it. I thought briefly about setting it on fire, but didn't. Suddenly I felt lighter than air and no longer looked like a Siberian refugee. If anyone wants the rest of my winter clothes let me know where to send them. I have 2 wool scarves, 3 mittens, 5 gloves, long underwear bottoms, and 2 pairs of socks too thick to fit into shoes. Sexy!

It's hard to be depressed about the weather in Palm Springs unless sunny days drive you to drink. I've heard a few people grousing that it's too cold , and feel the urge to choke them. Once in a while I open the trunk of my car, peek in at my balled up parka, laugh and slam it closed. Andy, I dare you to find me.


Anonymous said...

I finally figured out why I look forward to your blogs. Most are funny but even when they are not they are like pleasant dreams - light hearted, fun to read and always leave me with a good feeling.

That's a lot to get from a few minutes of easy reading. I'll take the long underwear bottoms.

Anonymous said...

Now I know why I like all your blogs. Most are funny but even when they are not they are like a pleasant dream - light hearted, entertaining and always leave me with a good feeling.

Readers don't always have to be given a message (usually superficial anyway) or some non-life changing piece of information - just a little whimsy with no particular point in the middle of the day is nice.

Keep'em coming.