Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Conventional wisdom

WHEW! Just when I thought I had to get a life, I don't. I didn't have to put the tv clicker down after all. It's safely clutched in my grubby little hand and I'm glued to the Democratic Convention. To be perfectly honest I don't have the same sense of heightened awareness as I did watching the Olympics because everyone's completely clothed (and thank God they are), but it is theater. I particularly like the "where's Bill?" aspect of the drama. Who's in charge of his daily walking, and feeding? But more importantly keeping him on a leash. I sure hope he learned "sit, stay and no barking" because I can see how nervous everyone is.

The women have been KICK ASS. Wow, I don't know what I was expecting from Michelle and Hillary but blast off was acheived. Oh btw, Nancy Pelosi you were boring, boring, boring and I think your teeth are just a hair too white. I admit I had no real interest in Michelle Obama and for no reason. I wish I was as tall however. I can't say I loved her powder blue dress but it looked nice on her. Did the flower pin come with the dress or was it an accessory? But Michelle rocked. I hung on every word and gesture and yes I admit, cynical moi had a tear in my eye. She is so much more than tall. And then there was Hillary. God, I hate her outfits...who picked orange? Is it Halloween already? Ok, ok, I'm shallow, but hold on....Hillary, was Mickey Mantle, Hank Aaron, Roger Maris and I hate to say Barry Bonds because of the steriod thing, but I'll risk it. She went yard.....out of the park... HOME RUN. Nice nice work and some nifty speech writing.

I like Joe Biden. He' very earnest, isn't he? He looks good in suits also. Much better than George Bush who always seems as if he's trying to wiggle out of his or has fleas. I believe Joe means what he says . Hey what more can you ask of a politician? It's the freaking Holy Grail. He actually seems to adore his wife unlike Bill, who deserves an Oscar for his loving looks at Hillary. Sorry Bill, but I still think you're kinda hot for your age. Now it's Obama's time to descend from Mt. Olympus and join the party. The air is easier to breathe down here. And according to the polls he really needs to spend some quality time down here breathing with the rest of us. "Come on down", I'm waiting with baited breath.


Anonymous said...

Said like a true democrap!! Glad to see that you don't buy Bill's mouthing "I love you" to Hillary from the audience. How many times do you think he mouthed it before he was sure the cameras were on him and got it. Perhaps he was remembering the Christmas past when he, Hillary and Chelsey stung popcorn and sang carols together - drinking hot chocolate, no doubt. They typify the all American family? ... excuse me - the all American family. Do you think the secret service was outside dropping fake snow at each window?
As for Mr Obama - the air down here might be too thick and confuse him. They better make the type face larger on his cue cards... less he has to go it with just his own thoughts. That just can't happen. It would be like the Oscar turning into cow crap in the hands of the winner.
Personally, I believe that someday we will have the one million, 150 mile per gallon cars on the road that Obama predicts but that won't be in 4 years of his first term - it won't be until Al Gore's home energy bill is less than the $30,000 per year it is. Anymore, it's not necessary to do the right thing about the environment - you can win prizes and make lots of money just giving speeches about it. No one checks to see if you are offering some honest concern for the environment or just offering more demagoguery to fill your own pockets.
The founding fathers would give the place back to the Indians but they wouldn't take it.

Anonymous said...

So now John McCain picks a young woman from Alaska to be his running mate...and he's gonna be 72. If anything happens to him we would be stuck with a nobody from nowhere to run the country. He's smart for picking a woman...but that's about as far as it goes...I this the best we can do???