Friday, June 27, 2008

Oprah and the Way-Back machine

Past lives my ass. Nope sorry, don't buy it. Oprah you don't have me this time. And what's up with you anyway? No sooner did you present Ekhart Tolle and his living in the moment, than you hand over Dr. Brian Weiss who wants us to go back, back, back, to a former life. Present or past , for God's sake stick to a time frame. I'm in nowheresville at the moment. Wanna join me? Oh, btw what happened with the food group free diet? Wasn't that supposed to purge our souls and colon? Got butter again? I could never do that regimen; a life without carbohydrates and candy isn't a life worth living. Hear that Mr. Tolle, I am focused and in the moment.

I refuse to get in the "way-back" machine with Dr. Weiss. Hmmmmmmmmm. Cartoons can have a lasting impression. Mr. Peabody really was a pioneer. The good doctor thinks we can resolve fears by exploring past lives to see what scared the crap out of us that we've brought into the present. Yada yada yada. And oy! I'm certain I was previously a char woman . Why else would I now be so skilled at cleaning the bathroom? Sorry Doc, fear of "Scrubbing Bubbles" is not what's coming between me and happiness...on second thought if I agree to go back with you can I be the Queen Mother?

Oprah and Dr. Weiss I sure as hell hope I don't have a life after this one. It's been as much as I could handle and I'm exhausted. Besides, I don't have time for past life exploration and can't afford the gas.

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