Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Green, environment, foreclosure, toxic, tra la !

No, this is not about a green environment turned toxic that is in foreclosure. I just read those are the words which currently attract the most media and search engine attention so I thought I'd write them and see what happens. Not that I'm expecting CNN, Fox, CBS, MSNBC, ABC , MTV or the Cartoon Channel to contact me today, but I'll wait for a while. Keith Olberman feel free to call and ask me out... I promise I'll wear "green" so it won't be a complete waste. I should also mention: "money, fat, cancer and sex". I write "sex" a lot and unless it has , "and the city" after it I don't think "sex" is news. Elliot Spitzer don't cry I haven't forgotten you. . As for "fat", aren't we finally resigned to the fact that we're a country of fatties; no news there. BORING!

Anything that mentions long term health risks is big, big, big! "Help my cell phone gave me kidney stones. Computer use can cause bad breath and heart disease". Ok now will the New York Times please check in!? Hollywood divorces/escapades are always hot. "Elizabeth Taylor accepts date with the Pope". Whoops, that will only make the AARP magazine. At least he's age appropriate but I thought she was Jewish. Do I dare mention the "out" words or will that jinx my plan... "solutions, leading edge, cutting edge, state of the art, mission critical and turnkey". I had my fingers crossed and held my breath.

"Bring 'em on" the search engines that is. Come get me! I said every news triggering word. Call me, write me, track me down. Oh and Liz, sorry, I couldn't think of anyone else for you to date.


Anonymous said...

hurray!!!!! let's hear it for my favorite words toxic - foreclosure - disease. They imbue my heart with joy .... or is that redundant? They have even greater meaning when placed in conjunction with some of the other words like ... get this toxic sex or diseased brain. Oh!!!! I could go on all day.

Anonymous said...

I got mumps from my cell phone .... cross eyed from watching a bullet come straight at my nose. That didn't really happen but I did take the screw out of my navel and my ass fell off. Not!!! But really, really I have a bad back from clipping my toe nails while taking a crap when I as a kid.