Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Say "goodnight" Hillary

I want to make it official, "good-bye" Hillary Clinton and thanks for trying to be President. Whew! It was exhausting watching you. I sure welcome a break. You must be sleeping a lot now. I'd cut back on the calories however, as I read about all the high carbo/fatty foods you had to eat to be popular . Barack seemed able to dodge the cheesesteaks but then again he lost Pennsylvnia. I'd say it's not worth it just to be leader of the free world. You'd have to spend the first term losing weight; no easy task as you get older. I'm sure you're disappointed but I hope you don't spend too much time being sad or depressed . It's a crappy job. The perks like Air Force 1 are pretty great, but as for trying to repair the last eight years...forget it girl, get some rest and let Barack age 40 years in four. I'd lobby to be a Supreme Court Justice; they look very well rested, have a short work schedule and are really rich.

So Bye-Bye! And sorry. I'd like to believe we hardly got to know you, but I suspect the problem was we knew you too well. I'd still love to hear the nitty gritty about your relationship with Bill. How about a "tell all" after you catch up on sleep. It would definitely be a best seller and I bet you could use the cash. Hillary, as a fellow member of the 70s women's movement I want to thank you for your strength, tenacity, and courage to test the political waters! I'm convinced there will be a woman President someday. As for me, I finally had to buy a bra; thank you gravity.

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