Friday, October 15, 2010

Wanted: A Giant Pedestal for my Next Date

I have a lovely white pedestal and can't decide what to put on it: a flowering plant, a sculpture, a pre-Columbian pot or a man. This is a big problem because recently I read in order to secure a date, or maintain a relationship I need to put a man up there. Of course this would beg a lot more care and feeding than my other options. To say nothing of the fact that the man unlike the pre-Columbian pot would probably complain . There's a rumor that men are fed up and tired from hoisting women up on pedestals when they were in their twenties. They are mad, and "won't take it anymore." Whoa fellas get a grip. Unless you're in back spasm or have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome I'd say settle down and take a Flexoril. My understanding is these men are now demanding equal pedestal time from women or, out you go! "Hey baby move over or jump off." I bought my pedestal at a re-sale shop so I don't know if it will hold anything over 40 lbs. I'll be dateless but plants are nice.

Truthfully and this is where I'm confused I don't remember spending anytime on a pedestal in my twenties...or thirties or forties...or ...I'm going to stop there for the sake of vanity. Nope, I've been a ground dweller for as long as I can remember. I missed the ancient "pedestal era" and now I have to deal with the backlash? I asked my 33 year old son if he got tired of putting women on pedestals in his twenties. "Mom, what are you talking about? Pedestal? What does that mean?" I decided to ask my 43 year old web-site helper, "Michael, are you tired from putting women....." He stared at me like I was Anita Bryant. My girlfriend Renee said she never met a pedestal bearing man and wanted to know where to find one asap. Too late darlin'.

So what's going on? What is it men want? The word "pedestal" belongs in the dictionary not in a relationship. Call me heretical but I'm from the age of "equals." I think I'll water my plant now.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are so on track with the whole pedestal thing. The only man that talked about putting me on a pedestal was 67 years old...and then it was all talk. He didn't lift a finger as I cooked his dinner, served it, and cleaned up as he bantered humorously. I don't think there ever was a pedestal thing unless it meant two minutes of effort or some trinket after you've given hours. -Kit

gail maria said...

Well the trinket better have come in a little blue box or ixnay to all your effort. Maybe it wouldn't even be worth the box.

Unknown said...

Well, I'm thinking, why in the world would we want to put men on a pedestal? They already have big enough heads. Now I know, not all men are like that, BUT, I was married for 25 years to a man that thought I ought to do as he said, which included fixing his plate for supper while he sat in his nice cushey recliner and be up and ready to get him a refill and last but not least, take his plate for him when he was finished to the kitchen. I did that crap for about 23 years and then one day I woke up and asked myself a question; "Are you stupid?" With that said the last 2 years of my marriage, I fixed my own plate and sat down leaving him scratching his head and wondering, what happened to his pedestal? :)

gail maria said...

Like I said Denise, pedestals are for sculptures, plants or pre-Columbian pots. Catch my drift? I caught yours!

Anonymous said...

Good blog! Very good blog!!. I don't understand adoration. I thought it was veneration or worship as in for the gods. When people say adore about other people or their pets it's a sign of affection. At least I really hope so. All that bowing and scraping is OK for a god but there are many people around it's just too much bowing and scraping for me.

Where did this pedestal stuff come from? Can you have sex on a pedestal? Can you think about having sex with a woman who's standing on a pedestal? I have always had trouble even approaching a a good looking woman. If she was on a pedestal, I couldn't even walk past her with my head down.

Did equality go down the drain when the pedestal idea came along? Most guys I know are working hard to overcome the old inequality thing. We didn't ask for it, it just existed when we were born. Can we get that strait first?

I'm sure it's not out of the question. After all we have learned to grovel for sex. The pedestal should not be too hard.

Dr. Ruth formally known as Viking Jen said...

Pedestals are not good. Say NO to pedestals. When someone puts ANYONE on a pedestal then the fall is horrible and if that pedestal is next to the china cabinet forget it because when the fall comes the china can go kaput!.

I want to be on a pedestal dancing, singing, or practicing balanced Karate kicks, you know, like Karate Kid, standing up on one foot and kicking someone with my other foot now that would be impressive for a 50 year old woman, but it can happen people, it can. Maybe I'll stand on a pedestal at a parade so I can see everything better but on a pedestal because someone thinks they idolize me? Oh hell no!, I am not a saint, as a matter of fact I am a sin waiting to happen and when it happens, that pedestal is G-O-N-E.

A good friend once told me "my ex boyfriend put me on a pedestal all the time and one day I guess he kicked it" I think many people fall in love with LOVE, the idea of love, the concept of love, convincing their hearts that they are "in love" with that person when in reality they are "in love with love" the idea, and so it's THE IDEAL LOVE that is put on a pedestal, why? Blame our parents "love is beautiful" "sex is the most beautiful thing between two people who are in love" OK that's bullshit because I've had some one night stands that were GREAT!.

I agree with Gail, pedestals are for flowers, sculptures or even your favorite china, oh and someone asked if you can have sex on a pedestal, hmmmm kinky, I bet if you are horny enough you would find a way.

My cat loves to climb up the highest place at home so I think that I will buy her a pedestal, put it next to the window, I bet you my cat would love to be there, plus she would look so pretty, and she is worth it.

See? There are many uses for pedestals, plants, art, cat climbing toys, sex, dance stages, karate and much much more HOWEVER is not for showing everyone that YOU OWN THE ONE YOU LOVE. Get rid of the pedestal and get a really comfortable chair and if it’s for me, make sure you bring me ice cold beer, better yet, I’ll go get it myself.

Dr. Ruth Viking Jen

gail maria said...

Dr. Ruth - you are a wise woman even in the form of Jen. I couldn't agree with you more; I think you summed it up nicely.

Anonymous - you're on the right track, as women definitely prefer equality to pedestals!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I really enjoy when a man treats me special. I really appreciate it. My girl friends are not near as kind. Having things done for me (wow that stinks, not). Being treated well has no bearing on my equallity that we have tried so hard to obtain. Your pedestals are for plants and potery. I do not mind being appreciated, and not all men are tired of treating women well. With the sour attitudes I am reading no wonder they may tire of trying to treat us well. When I am treated well I have no problem treating him well back, is that not what equality is about? There are still plenty of men out there that hunger to treat us great, share the love and you will be very happy with the result.
I take the term pedestal to mean appreciate. Isn't that what you do to the pre-Columbian pots you keep speaking about. I am sorry if you were never admired and appeciated by a man through the years as you state in the blog. I think if you look back truthfully you have been and maybe many times. Ask your son and web designer if they have ever appreciated a woman. I am sure to this question they will say yes. Some men want to treat us well, let them and they will not be tired of it.