Friday, February 6, 2009

The Masters of the Universe are sad.

HOLY COW BATMAN, where are you when Gotham City needs you??? The Masters of the Universe are in deep deep trouble. Oy! Poor things are really poor. Or at least they have what's being called, "recession psychosis"! Quick bring the meds, and the Feds! They have symptoms which include severe anxiety, and suicidal tendencies set off by the economy. Hang on boys and girls because it gets even more dire. Dr. Nabil Kotbi, the psychiatrist who runs the ritzy haven for these "poor" creatures which ironically is called the Haven, said in the New York Times, that our Masters of the Universe suffer from "delusions of poverty". Can you stand it? This dread, dread, dread, condition is associated with psychotic depression AND despite retaining millions of dollars in assets, the patients are crippled by self-doubt, loss of power and sometimes guilt. Whew! And boo hoo.

I have some of those same symptoms and yet no assets. Hold on, here's my favorite part...personality traits that once served our boys well: meglomania, manic swings, obsession, and hot tempers , have turned into liablities as they spend more time at home with the family. I'm shocked. Who doesn't want a manic angry obsessive megolomaniac around the house? Can they make a nice pasta primavera or do yard work? I bet the boys are fun playmates for their wives. Ironically, it's too late for that big divorce settlement. Hang in there girls and may I recommend a morning martini.

Batman come back ! Where can that guy possibly be? Uh oh, I hope he hasn't checked into the Haven....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a little tidbit I received while hanging around the University of Chicago. The greatest contributor to inflation is the public's anticipation of higher prices. You have to think about that to see how it fits here. Hint - It has something to do with expectations.

Now most people who own automobiles know that petrol is less than 1/2 the price it was a few months back. That equates to about a $340 billion tax rebate. Here's another good happening, the purchase of homes last December was on a par with the same month a year ago - before all the crap began. It's not great but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

My point Oh Yes. Neither of these items, which make us poor people feel better - so we may anticipate better times and begin spending again have been found in the Newspapers. The columnists must have put them where they put Batman.

Neither good news nor any other type of savior is allowed to come into public view until Barak Obama or some prominent Democtap does something and can claim credit for all this good news. It doesn't have to be anything related to economics - spending on the investigation of sexually transmitted diseases will do fine or money for abortions here and in other countries will do fine.

After all didn't Nancy Pelosi say birth control including abortion is a good way to keep future burdens off state payrolls?

Maybe they're all in Dennys. Perhaps its not too depressing there and we all won't have to think about this stuff.