Friday, October 24, 2008

Re-name Wall Street and win an SUV

Wall Street needs a new name. I'm sick of that freaking street . I want a happier sounding place. Too bad "Wisteria Lane" is taken by those wacked out housewives. "Wall Street" sounds so dark and depressing; somewhere you'd never want to picnic or vacation with the wife and kids. How about a name changing contest to perk up America? What would be more fun on election day than a contest form attached to the ballot? "Re-name Wall Street and Win a Hummer". I think they have thousands sitting around and would be delighted to unload one. For the next two weeks instead of agonizing over the Presidential race, global recession and asset backed securities we could brainstorm some fun names; kind of a national pick-me-up.

I'm bummed out by those plunging Wall Street numbers. Up, down, down, down, down... oh wait a last minute rally...nope down 835. My nerves are shattered and my mood swings put me in the "Sybil" category. To say nothing of the doomsday hysteria of the CNN, CSNBC, MSNBC, and FOX market analysts. Can someone get those people Xanax asap!? Is it just me or do they seem giddier when the market crashes? Wow kids, good job scaring the crap out of the viewers.

How about it, a "kinder, gentler" name for that depressing old street? So this election day who wants to win the Hummer?!


Dr. Ruth formally known as Viking Jen said...

Rename Wall Street. Wow... I'm thinking..."Money Gone wild Street" "Whatdafuckhappened Street" "The Bling Bling Exchange Center"

I am wondering if I want a hummer, are we talking a 4 wheel car? If that's the prize, honey child! Have you been to the gas station lately? OY VEY! Can you come up with another prize please, something funny, oh I know Sarah Palin costume, you know the plastic face, the wig, and the glasses. Don't worry I won't wear it, I want to burn it. Clap please, they always clap when the bell rings in Wall Street. Why do they do that? Can we also add a sign that says “No Clapping Alowed”

Anonymous said...

Should we be calling it Mt. Everest Drive? Seems it is a lot tougher to go up than down.
Can't you come up with a better prize than a Hummer? Porsche? Bently? Maserati? BMW? Mini Cooper?
So many cars, so little time.

Anonymous said...

It's best to keep a little of the past name for tradition so Walbama no - Bidawall no - Biwall no - Whitewall hell. Barackwall no - Brickwall. Count me out. I don't want the Hummer anyway.

But, it's a good topic and you did good with it. Funny