Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the plumber call me!

Will "Joe the plumber" please call me? Although I'm certain his phone hasn't stopped ringing since last night's debate and I'm sure he'd pick up for Tom Brokow before me. Hey Joe it's probably safe to say you're the most famous plumber in United States history. John McCain mentioned your name 20 times! Wow babe, no one's said my name that many times in the course of a year. I can't imagine you won't see a big boost in your business or is it straight to the "made for tv movie"? Does anyone have a good publicist for Joe and how much better can this campaign get for Saturday Night Live? Oh and Joe's a crafty guy, he wouldn't reveal who's getting his vote. Great career move I say; keep 'em guessing and begging.

Thank God that was the last debate. I am so over it and out of disposable china to throw at the tv. John was a pit bull on a pant leg wasn't he? But wait Sarah's the pit bull in lipstick. Dog metaphors never work. My mom's become a real wino during this campaign. We've found it impossible to watch the debates sober. Even my dad who only drinks teensy weensy sips of Mogan David on holidays has chugged down a beer in order to dull the pain of watching. Why oh why, couldn't one of those veteran moderators have stood up and screamed , "ANSWER THE FREAKING QUESTION ALREADY"! Or just reached across and choked each of them. I'd sure have felt better.

I say enough of this election folly. It's gone on far too long. I want to vote already!! And why can't those undecideds decide? What is anyone going to say with 18 days left to change their vascillating little minds? Decide for God's sake! It's a choice between two men who do not really feel your pain, but want to be President and fly around in Air Force One. Or just write in Joe the plumber.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. The whole thing is a lot of crap. I'm waiting for the swim suit contest abtway - or maybe the talent portion. I understand that Obama twirls a hell of a baton and in tights he's just the best.

I watched a movie - really good - the rainmaker. I liked it as much as the first time I saw it.

Anonymous said...

I heard Obama flunked high school math. No way does everybody get a tax cut except the 250,000 dollar class. Oh I forgot. When the Ivy League decided to allow for "easy admissions " 20 years ago they only couted 1 of the 2 S.A.T. scores. Guess which one Obama omitted. They did give good reviews for being able to add both scores together. However " Joe can't figure out Obama's fuzzy math because he flunked high school math too. Dave

Dr. Ruth formally known as Viking Jen said...

OY VEY! That wasn't a debate, it was "I blame you, you blame me. You are an ass... No you are... No you are.. OMG!... McCain's face was getting red of anger by the minute and is it me or does he look like he wants to cry all the time?.. Oh poor baby McCain, he wants to cry again...I can't believe that they go back to Obama when he was 8 years old and get all this crap that happened when he was a kid... What's up with that? Can't they find anything else? I am glad I am not running for president because God knows what they would find about me when I was 8, 12, 15, 18, 20 years old. There is some stuff in my past I don't want my parents to know... One thing I haven't heard on this election is "I smoked marihuana but I didn't inhale" where did that go? I want to know if they were pot-heads at some point in their lives, maybe we'll have something in common… After the first 30 seconds of the debate I realized I needed three things; A bottle of Vodka, a pack of cigarettes and a punch bag because after several Martini's and smoking like if it was the end of the world I wanted to either punch McCain’s face or the punching bag and with this economy I can't afford to buy a new TV set after I beat the crap out of McCain through the TV screen and frustrations needed to come out.. Now how about if we roll a joint send it to both of them and really see who inhales and who smokes it the right way and then maybe they can discuss what the hell they are going to do to fix what this current administration has damaged… By the way I really like Obama’s smile don’t you? After 5 Martinis everyone looks so handsome. Wait a minute! McCain never looked handsome, poor guy how the hell did he get that good looking wife? Was she drunk or high? I want to know.

Anonymous said...

The previous posting is sooo typical of many Dems in at least two ways:

1. First, mistate the argument and then shoot it down. What is not important is what Obama did when he was much younger. What is important is the judgment that he used when he was much older.

It is clear that he sat on at least two Boards with Bill Ayers and launched his first run for public office from the living room of Bill Ayers. He shared dinner tables with Ayers.

It is clear that in the late 1960's and early 1970's, Ayers participated in setting terrorist style bombs in Chicago, New York, and the Pentagon. It is also clear that in 2001, Ayers was quoted in the New York Times that he "did not regret" those bombings and wished "that he had done more".

I could go on but the point is that Obama's judgement could be questioned for having anything to do with Ayers in view of his (Ayers) past history.

Can you imagine the horror and outrage in the Press if, say, McCain had dealings with David Duke and had fund raisers in Duke's house. We would never hear the end of it.

2. The level of hate and potential violence shown by many Dems. In the 50's and 60's, I would have to say that Reps lead in that area in their quest against Communists. I believe that the Dems now show much more of it.

The reaction to Palin is illustrative of this. The above posting where the words "punch McCain's face or "beat the crap out of McCain are small examples of what goes on in the mind of many Dems.

I will not vote for Obama but the thought of punching him or Biden has really, really never crossed my mind.

Get a grip!