Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Blessing of the SUVs

Now I've heard everything! I was shocked and awed. I had no idea Sunday was "bring your General Motors car to church day" did you? I've heard of the blessing of the pets and the hounds, but not the SUVs. Yep, it's true, it's true... Pentecostal Bishop Charles H. Ellis III in Detroit shared his sanctuary's WIDE body alter on Sunday with three, I say three, shiny sport utility vehicles! Wow Bishop, that was mighty creative thinking to have the cars on stage for a, "Lord please help bail out Detroit" service. To make matters ironic the vehicles were all gas-electric hybrids! I guess it's better late than never? But not really. I heard they've been hiding those electric babies away since 1997/8. Bummer that they weren't cost effective, and screw futuristic thinking... but let us pray anyway.

"We have done all that we can do in the union, so I turn it over to the Lord", General Holiefield, a U.A.W. vice president for Chrysler, told the congregants. Ok, but what about those fat union contracts Lord, do they get to keep them and get bailed out? Mixing bail-outs and religion is down right confusing isn't it? Besides, I think the Lord was busy Sunday trying to get the Detroit Lions in the end zone so they could win one football game. I believe Monday would have been a better time to get his/her attention.

And just one more teensie weensie detail. Sorry to bring this up in the middle of a prayer but what about those crappy cars the BIG THREE insisted on producing? The ones that weren't built to last? The ones that got really, really, really, low gas mileage. Is it hard to make better cars? Oh, but hold on just one second didn't the Japanese figure out how to produce cost effective, fuel efficient automobiles? I think they did. Bishop Ellis, I say after church ditch those SUVs and buy Japanese.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gail is right Reverend Ellis. God doesn't do pay raises. Only people who think they are God do pay raises. Those people have pay raised the country into one hell of a hole - they and their political hacks who think they can always raise taxes to get over one more crises and then be in the land of milk and honey ..... smoooooth sailing forever.

As of 3 AM on Friday Comcast news tells me that the bailout failed and everybody is going to have to row for a while. Perhaps even the powerful "Mrs Nancy" will have to give up her private jet. Pity, just when other "powerful legislators" were probably thinking of commandeering their own private jets.

I'm sure when the sun comes up the now failing newspapers will be filled with the pain those dissenting lawmakers have piled on our troubled economy.

While the savings that I and other Americans have earned will go down with them, I'm proud to know that there are still some politicians who can say no to greed disguised as need and bad economics disguised as saving the country. These are not politicians who talk tough for the cameras and then sheepishly vote yes for the next give away and the taxes that accompany it.

Unfortunately for us the theory of capitalism still works just fine. Capital still flows to friendly environments. High wages with expensive benefit packages accompanied by sticky fingered middlemen and high taxes do not make a friendly environment.

Gail, you buried your message well in humor but it's a good message. I'm only sorry more people haven't joined you with their comments.