Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Relationship Deal Makers vs. Breakers

Got relationship deal "makers?" I'm not talking deal "breakers", that's a no brainer. It's simple to bitch and moan about someone's fatal flaw(s). I'm an expert. I go crazy if someone smokes - sorry smokers but you're out. I also say ixnay to bad shoes. My eyes go straight to a man's shoes and yes sometimes I stare incredulously at their choice and feel slightly nauseous. Snoring drives me up the wall and out the door. This eliminates almost everyone. Gary says adios to women who put the toilet paper roll on so the paper comes off the bottom. He's alone. John dismisses women who repeat themselves. I'm a repeater, so I'm off his list. I think he'll be lonely also. It's easy to find fault isn't it?

Relationship deal makers are harder. I asked my friend Steve for his deal maker. He's a professional dater so has a lot of experience in the field.

"Hmmmm, I want a woman who adores me and wants to be with me.....but when I find a woman who does that I say "What are we, joined at the hip?" Uh oh Steve, that's a big problem. His deal maker is also a breaker - whoops and troublesome.

I asked a man my girlfriend Brenda and I met at a bar last month. He was hot after Brenda. I was ignored and bored so I asked him what he was looking for in a woman as an experiment in bar chit chat. He stared at me.
"Oh the list is too long," he tried to dismiss my question. But like I said I was bored so I persisted.

"Well then, just give me the most important."

"Ok ok, the most important thing is that she's blond." I was out, but Brenda was still in. I'd say he has a lot of choices and should probably narrow it down. He told us he'd been out with 40 women since January. I'm assuming all blond. He's still available.

This just in from Dennis in Palm Springs.

"That's easy, I want someone who "gets" me." I asked him to explain "gets."

"You know someone who likes my humor and how I think and who's intelligent." Thankfully he didn't mention blond. He doesn't date much but he is funny. Let me know if you want his phone number.

But Dan might have said it best. He's a little annoyed because I asked him to repeat it so many times.

" Bottom line, the best deal maker is the absence of deal breakers."


Anonymous said...

Bottom Line - he's breathing and has lots of money. Okay if that's too broad of a spectrum - let's narrow it down to the real deal maker - he's barely breathing, has lots of money and I'm the sole beneficiary.

Anonymous said...

What a great topic for boys and girls in the "mature" generations. We have been through most of what life has to offer, good and bad. We have gained and lost spouses, many times for some and learned that gained is better.

Some have gotten smarter as a result of the trip and other learned nothing at all. The ones who have learned understand the importance of maintaining a sense of humor lest they become mired in the boring "importance" of every little thing - have kind of car, best dresser, good dancer, hair color, etc..

While it's a good question, with this many differences how could there be "a" deal maker? Although for most men it's big gazonkas.

Dennis said...

Great blog. Always like to see my name in print. I think I might get off of match.com and just let you do the advertising. Probably would get a better date and have more fun. Contact Gail for phone number etc.

Ron Rifkin said...

Dennis - you said it man: "Gets me". That's HUGE! Nice to hear someone else say that.