Saturday, February 27, 2010

This Blonde Didn't Have More Fun

Blondes don't have more fun, at least this blonde didn't. I tried, but fun wasn't in the cards. Blondes are a phenomenon I've never understood. I grew up a brunette, a color that received very little attention. Trust me when a brunette walks in a room, not one male head turns. Business continues as usual,blah, blah, blah, the conversations go on as if nothing happened. Enter a woman with flaxen hair and like clock work every head turns her way. The air is virtually sucked out of the place and life comes to a standstill while our little blondie strolls by. It never fails. Never. I know this because I was the girl with long brown hair who went unnoticed. I'm not trying to evoke sympathy, just seeking to understand this force of nature. "Hey I'm over here , yoo hoo...I may have brown hair but I have big blue eyes. Is that chicken liver?" But alas not much action came my way.

Ironically I've never been attracted to men with blonde hair. Nope, I liked the tall dark type; the fair haired boys never turned my head. They still don't although my man demographic has turned gray or bald so it's a moot point. I didn't become blonde to experience more popularity but to mask becoming gray. My Mom pointed out to me that perhaps I should do something about my newly arrived gray hairs as they made me look old. "Thanks, Mom, and excuse me while I go hide from public view." Before I knew it my brown locks were gone, I was blondish and also out $120 every five weeks. An expensive proposition for a person who takes back roads to avoid the toll booth. I've changed colorists 5 times but nothing changed when I walked in a room. "Hey, I'm kinda blonde, look over here!" Nothing. Had I vanished? Truthfully, after 4 years and 5 colorists I didn't care about the turning of bald or gray heads. I missed my dark brown hair. It went better with my eyes and neuroses.

I just became a brunette again.  I'm out another $120 but I'll make it back in toll booth savings. Happily I'm the brunette with the blue eyes who just walked in the room unnoticed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, my dear. There is the outside and the inside. Think about walking out of the room after you have been there for a while.

The blond walks in, heads turn and the blond walks out.

"Ju see that?" "Yea, nice." "Anyway I think the Phillies have this thing sewed up."

You walk in no heads turn, which I'm sure is not completely true and then you walk out.

"Man, I wouldn't tell her this but that chick knows more about sports than I do." "Yea, pretty cute figure." "Great ass." "She was funny." "Yea, I thought she was smart too." "Anyway I think the Phillies have this thing sewed up."