Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Hate Reality TV More than The New Yorker

I hate, hate, hate reality tv. Yes, even more than The New Yorker and packing boxes. Reality television is like a virus, each night there's a new one infesting my living room...every hour , every channel, someone else's reality. My world is real enough, I don't need a total stranger's problems too. For God's sake who cared about the last "Survivor"? Trust me I have my own survival issues and they don't have to do with eating Scorpions in a bikini. My reality tv show would be called, "Crap my rent is due" or "Who wants my dental bill? Btw, is "The Bachelor" still looking for a wife? Now that is really depressing tv because if the nubile young creatures they prance in front of him can't get a man there's no hope for the rest of us. And girlies get a grip, ditch the bachelor and do some long range career planning. As for losing weight in prime time! Why why why is this a tv show and how did everyone get so fat? LISTEN UP, "Give back the double Mac with cheese and pull out of the drive thru line"! Or hand it to "America's Next Top Model". She scares me.

Hang on there just one sec. Hold your horses ,I have a great idea for Baby Boomer reality tv....."What Would You Trade to be 40 Again"? This is imaginative and very dark programming in my book. Hmmmmmmmm, let's think....there's Mom.... 40 sounds really good and looks even better: smooth skin, no wrinkles, no grey hair, I'd have hormones. That's a toughie. What about my Prada purse instead of Mom? And I'll throw in my Honda Civic. Catch my drift kiddies? Now that's reality tv with just a touch of "The Twilight Zone".

Truthfully, I'd like real people to get off my screen. Eat Scorpions, lose weight, find husbands, and become models on your own time. Now, I better call my Mom and tell her she can relax, the deal's off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having only caught glimpses of reality shows, I can happily say that I have never watched a whole one or even a quarter. You're right though, it's like darting between the rain drops to miss them.

And as for losing weight on tv - is that like watching grass grow? I'm sure there are people that have a hell of a time losing weight because of the genes they were born with (or in). There are also those that think it's just fine to be heavy and it is. Who makes up the skinny rules anyway?

As for your idea of what I would give to be 40 again? I would give my Prada purse too - except that I'm hetro male and don't have one. I suppose I would give your mom so don't make that call just yet.