Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bluetooth Rehab Has Me Down

I am ready for bluetooth rehab. Ever since I got the ill fated ticket for driving and talking on my cell phone my life has been on tilt. I have bought and returned four different devices in the last two weeks. I got smart however after two and started purchasing them at different AT&T stores. I realized the sales people were running for cover when I walked in. I noticed the girl who sold me the first one beg for a lunch break when she saw me four days later. That was the longest time I kept a bluetooth - the shortest was 12 hours. And trust me when I say I have made a study of the ill conceived little pieces of plastic. "Hands free" has made me a stark raving dis-satisfied customer. "This is useless!" I sobbed to the sales person after three days with the "best on the market" piece of equipment that clipped to the visor. "I screamed at it the entire drive to L.A. and no one could hear me." He offered kleenex , my money back, and ran.

I decided to change methodology and go with one that hung behind my ear. It was groovy for three days; I was almost happy. Then it started talking to me and no, I was not having acid flashbacks. It said "low battery" over and over regardless of it being fully charged. I started talking back "You're fully charged! Stop saying that." I returned it as something told me conversing with inanimate objects requires medical attention. I obsessively canvassed all my friends, who sadly are no longer speaking to me, about what they used. I think John changed his phone number as I can't reach him. Next I tried a bluetooth that went in my ear. I hated it, too uncomfortable and I itched all over. I returned it at a distant location to avoid being recognized.

I thought about buying a new car that comes with built in "hands free" but even in my addled state $30,000 for bluetooth didn't seem cost effective. Although it would provide all new sales people which is tempting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one who also converses with inanimate objects I understand your plight. I say "call Joe Blow" it says "did you say call 745312?" " "No" "did you say call 49544?" I hang up & try again. "call joe blow" "please say name, number, or navel size" "what?" hang up again, "call j o e b l ow !!!" "did you say call 83506423569?" "NO you stupid piece of s*^$!!!!!" "did you say "call Mirium Aberthnathy?" "NO YOU INSANE PRODUCT OF A DEMENTED MIND!!!!!!!" "did you say call 930458384? "aghhhhhhhh" as my car goes into a ditch. I lie there in a pool of my own blood, panting, crying and then "calling Joe Blow"