Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Confessions of a Texting Loser

Please don't text me. I'm constantly confused how to receive or respond to a message. I think my phone has a special tone when a text comes through but I'm not sure. I get jumpy and slightly sweaty when I hear the sound. "Why is someone texting me?" I groan in frustration. Then I irrationally yell at the phone, "Why couldn't you just call ?" I press every button in sight to find the screen with the teenie tiny symbols so I can locate the little picture that represents "texts." A half hour has gone by and I have to pee. If I get to the actual text without bursting into tears I pray it's something that doesn't require a response. That never happens. I'm tempted to call the person but realize a sign of personal growth would be to stop crying and text back.

Responding to a text gives me high anxiety. Last week I had to answer a message asap. It took seven attempts to try and spell out three words. "I'm riding Sunday" came out "Imridinsudy." I tried again. "Im rdhg stnday" I was proud I found the "space" key but started frantically pacing because I couldn't get any of the letters right. I was cracking under the pressure. I needed water and protein. I finally decided to reduce my answer to "yes" because it only had 3 letters and I could find them. I didn't care whether or not it made sense because at least it was a word. I felt alone and isolated in my technological inadequacy. Am I the only person in the world besides my 92 year old Mother who can't text?

I have to face it; I'm a talker not a texter. I watch the fingers of 10 year olds fly across the keys of their cell phones in total amazement. I see people walk and text and think they should be on "America's Got Talent." I'm a texting loser. Please I'm begging you only contact me if you want to talk. Hpythnksgvng!


Anonymous said...


Oh, if you don't know what I wrote, go to http://www.netlingo.com/acronyms.php


gail maria said...

OMG (the only abreviation I know) you are too funny. What a crazy site. BTW it will take me years and many cocktails to interpret your comment. But thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good blog and good topic. In the land of fads we will do most anything to stay up with the latest one.

The phone companies are masters of manipulation. They have proven they can make people do anything they want.

Imagine going to the store for a quart or milk and when you scan it the machine says, "How much milk are you going to drink this month?" You type in "Why" Machine says, the price of the milk depends on it. If you are going to use one gallon a month it will cost $2.00 a quart. If you are going to use 2 gallons a month a quart will cost $1.75."

"What if I say I'm going to use 2 gals. and only use 1?" Machine, "You will still have to pay for 2." "Well what if I say I'll only use one and use 2?" Then you will pay for the one at the contracted price and $1,279.97 for the second."

After success at that they all sat around and said, We bet if we squeezed all the keys on a typewriter on a teeny tiny phone and told people they could type messages for $.50 each, they would do it. AND, we would charge them even if they only RECEIVE a message. They don't even have to read it."

Next they are going to reverse the free night and weekend use. It will be free weekends on months with 31 days but free weekdays on months with 30 days. February will be the mystery month. "WE'LL CHARGE THEM WHATEVER WE WANT THAT MONTH. HAHAHAHA, HOHOHOHOHO HEHEHEHEHEHE"

gail maria said...

Anonymous you are so right - the phone company has all of us by the cajones aka balls. They can arbitrarily do whatever they want in terms of pricing. I don't have a text package so I hate when people send me a message - should I send my friends a bill? I suggest you don't buy milk as you could be right!