Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Flunked Public Transportation

I am bad at public transportation. In the city I walk , drive or take a cab. When my friend Sandy mentioned how easy it was to get around by bus or train all I heard was "blah, blah, blah, blah." I practically stamped my foot and said "you can't make me." "TAXI!" is one of my favorite words - except they are getting pricey and I'm cheap. One Friday night in a moment of financial panic and feeling uncharacteristically reckless I decided to take the bus to meet friends for dinner. I thought it would be frugal, fun and fantastical to use the handy bus pass Sandy bought me. He went so far as to demonstrate how to put the card in the machine when you get on the bus. What was I, a dope? I think I dozed off . "Whatever," I finally muttered in recognition of his "show and tell" moment.

I was all dressed up and sweating in my cute little black dress as I stood in the heat waiting for the Michigan Avenue bus. I longed for my air conditioned car because all I could think about was how much it would cost to get the dress cleaned. I clutched my plastic pass ready to simply slip it into the machine when I got on the bus. "Easy as pie" I thought as the metal box sucked it in. I waited for it to come back....and waited.....and waited.

"Excuse me , Ma'am, I said to the driver, my card didn't come back."

"That's because you put it in the wrong slot. It's not comin' back."

"But, but, that card had $18.00 left on it." I might have sobbed or swooned; I can't remember.

"Not any more, that card is gone. "

I stared at her in disbelief. I was taking the most expensive bus ride in the history of Michigan Avenue.

"Well how much does it cost to get back later?" I whispered as I felt feverish and desperately in need of two martinis.

"Here's a pass , this will get you home." She must have realized I was dazed and confused and didn't want to call for medical back-up.

I was devastated to say nothing of the $$$ I was out. I flunked public transportation. Shoulders stooped I slunk down into a seat. I peeked around to see how many people had witnessed my stupidity. Thankfully no one was snickering or telling their children, "that's what you get for not paying attention to what you're doing." I know I learned a lesson.



Anonymous said...

It's nice when one of the city's public SERVANTS are so curt and condescending when the people they are SERVING make a mistake. But I have a better story - not as expensive but the comment was more curt.

In NYC the uptown train stations are across the street from the downtown stations. As a teenager, who did not know this I went up to the guy in the downtown side and asked where the uptown station was. He said, "You take a taxi across the street and it will be right under your feet."

Eileen Williams said...

You know the saying: misery loves company! Well, I gotta say I LOVED this story. No I haven't had a bus eat my pass yet but I've lived through countless experiences when I tried to save a buck or two only to end up paying through the nose--my good intentions foiled by unforeseen circumstances.
Sometimes it's best to keep to our tried and true albeit bad habits. Actually, considering the alternative, they may not be so bad after all!

Holly said...

I am really surprised the driver even spoke to you let alone gave you a pass for later. Public transportation is never fun. How were the martinis?

gail maria said...

Martinis are always helpful when stressed or any time.