Monday, January 4, 2010

I do not want an iPhone but still think Steven Jobs is attractive

2010 will not be the year I buy an iPhone. I know, I know, it's the latest, best and dandiest gadget on the market. I realize I'm way behind the technological curve. I never had a Palm Pilot and still schlep around a Filofax which btw you can no longer get calendar refils for so I'm stuck in 2005. I was the last person on record to buy a computer and five years and four months after purchasing it I learned to "cut and paste." This is an insight into my soul and ability to learn new tricks. I love to cut and paste but feel I've reached a technological zenith. I can't fathom operating the new little phone without expensive therapy.

I've noticed people with iPhones look down at them a lot and I like to look up. I am fearful of the sky falling. It also really scares the bejesus out of me when I'm driving with someone who is searching for a new fun restaurant on their iPhone and steering with their knees. "Holy crap, put the phone down, I'm not hungry." What is so addicting about these tiny machines? Is access to information 24/7 really necessary? I hate information after 9:30 a.m. To say nothing of the fact that it must be very bad for your thumbs to constantly scroll scroll scroll - not good for someone like me with a large medical deductible.

Truthfully I don't have a GPS or iPod either. I have a little radio with push button channels that I take with me running. I get two stations with bad music. I drive around hopelessly lost and no one will open their car window to help me with directions. It's hard to steer and weep. In 2010 I might get a compass.


Anonymous said...

When I worked for a French company my boss used to laugh (sort of) at the Americans who rushed off an airplane to the nearest bank of phones.

Shortly thereafter cell phones hit. When they got to Europe every frenchman on the street had one growing out of his ear - a major event which I found necessary to bring to his attention.

Cell phones and talking are a thing of the past. Texting, internet and games are in. Now we can say nothing, without being interrupted and continue to massacre the English language.

My peeve is self help and pop psychology books. About 150 pages of fill with possibly 3 or 4 well known, self evident truths in them for 20 bucks.

I'm looking for a comfortable cave.

Dr. Ruth formally known as Viking Jen said...

The anonymous fan is correct, I don't like it but what can we do? Calling, hearing a voice, verbal communication is a dieing breed. Little did I know that even breaking up with someone is now done by Text, flirting is through text, getting to know someone is through text. text text text... I rather hear a voice.

I do want an Iphone, I have an Ipod a GPS, Facebook addiction, PlayStation games, account with I do shop through websites and that's fine but communication can also be 80% verbal. What's next? Texting while having sex? "Oh yeah baby, yeah baby" SEND.... "more babe, yeah right there" SEND.... "come here and cuddle" SEND. "OMG DAT WAS GRT!" SEND. "Ok tired of texting, you want a beer?" SEND.