Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Geek Prince Rescue Me!

Help! I need a Geek Squad Prince Charming to come to my technological rescue. I'm weak, confused, dazed, and downright dumb. My life has been turned upside down because I have to format the book I'm writing. Format I say! I've been instructed to set the margins specifically: left 1 inch, right 1 inch, top 1 inch, bottom 1.25 inches, indent 5 spaces, double space and use Arial 11 point. It sounded simple, easy, no problema, unless you're a computer loser and that's me, computer loser. I've gone through a box of Kleenex sobbing as I struggle to format. The margins set and unset in the blink of an eye. Presto chango formatting gone and I resist the urge to throw my laptop out the window. Bye-bye little crazy making machine.

I miss my Smith Corona typewriter. Life was so simple then. I loved the click clack of the keys and the messy carbon paper that got all over my hands and clothes. I would scream, crumple it into a ball and throw it across the room because I couldn't line it up with the paper correctly. Simple. I had my little bottle of white-out that I could never apply thinly enough so I had a big blob over my typo. Simple. My typewriter was too big to take to Starbucks, but I didn't care. I could manually line up the margins and set tabs, no Word Perfect to make a fool of me or drive me to drink at 10:00 a.m. I hate change.

Geek Prince, if you're out there, call me. I'm sorry if I laughed and ignored you in high school, but I'm different now (kinda). Help me set the margins, and replace Word Perfect with Microsoft Word. I need you.


Anonymous said...

All you have to do is become a Cougar since any man under the age of 40 is more computer saavy than you. However, don't bring up the Smith Corona typewriter since anyone under the age of 40 doesn't even know what that is. You will go from being a Cougar to a dinasour

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's so complicated. Simply set the margins by clicking on edit - format - margins then double click (no maybe that's a single click - you'll have to play with it) on the up or down arrow (depending on whether you have to increase or decrease your margins. Then click (single or double) on the text icon in order to left justify your text - except when it comes to the header and there you click on the centered text icon so your header is in the middle of the page. Then you go to the farthest small rectangular window anf click on the word "helvetica" and run the arrow up to the beginning of the alphabet and click on "arial" - then go to the middle small rectangular window and click on "regular" (except for the header which you want bold) and then go to the farthest small rectangular window on the left and select (that's right by clicking) "11 point". Then somewhere in the menu bar you find the word indents and click on the one that sets up the first line of each paragraph to .25".

It's as simple as that.