Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lounge Lizards and Me

Reptiles creep me out. They are slimy, slithery and scary. As a child I was forced to go in the Reptile House at the zoo because my parents wouldn't let me wait outside alone. I was pissed. I walked around with my eyes squinted half shut. There were Lizards longer than my Dad's car and their skin looked a lot like Mom's purse. I thought as an adult I had left Lizards behind.

" Gail, it will be fun, get dressed and come with us to Sullivan's"my girlfriend Brenda pleaded.Sullivan's is a pick-up bar and restaurant. No one has ever picked me up in a bar. I was a bad bar person. I lacked the knack of casual conversation and was brunette. I always brought a book so I had something to do when I was passed by for a blond. I stayed home a lot.

"Please come it's happy hour so the food and drinks are half price," Brenda insisted.
"What time should we meet?" I'm genetically incapable of resisting half price. Thanks Dad.

Sullivan's was packed with men staring at scantily clad women. I was wearing a sweater so I knew I'd get plenty of reading done. As I scanned the crowded room I couldn't help but notice the average age of the men looked about 65. Shouldn't they be home collecting Social Security or making doctor's appointments? I had never seen older guys cruising for women. It was surreal. Where were the hotties with hair and flat abs? I witnessed a man at least 80 draped over a 50ish looking woman staring down her low cut dress at her breasts and never once coming up for air. I suddenly had the urge to read.

"Brenda do you smell something funny? My eyes are watering. And who are these guys?"
"These guys? They're a bunch of Lounge Lizards," she replied as she sniffed the air and made a face.
Crap, I was in a room of Reptiles.

"Hi girls," I heard from behind my stool. We both whipped around to see a man walking toward us. He stared at Brenda (she's blond) and casually put his arm on the back of her chair. I reached into my purse for my book. "What's going on ladies?" He wasn't talking to me. My eyes however were beginning to itch from the nasty cologne he was wearing. As he ogled Brenda I studied our guest Lizard. He was approx 65 with leathery skin from too much desert sun, wearing a green polyester shirt open to mid chest, his dull thinning blond hair was slicked straight back and glistening from too much gel. His eyes seemed to pop out of his head when he spoke. He looked slithery and like Mom's purse.

I scrutinized the room pretending to be Jane Goodall studying this animal called the Lounge Lizard in his natural habitat. I noticed they were resilient and when rejected did not pull out a book, but moved immediately on to the next woman. They were determined and undeterred creatures hell bent to find someone who accepted their offer of a free drink. It was a numbers game for these slithering creatures. They seemed to stalk their prey alone and had no compunction about budding in on a fellow predator's action. Crafty and rude they persevered. Meanwhile our slimy guy was moving closer and closer to Brenda's right ear.

"Want to have dinner with me Sunday night?" he whispered - I had to eavesdrop for the purpose of science.
"No thank you I have a boyfriend" she politely replied.
"I don't care, have dinner with me," he insisted. Like I said, resilient - but shouldn't a Mountain Lion come down and eat him now?

I quickly grew tired of studying Lizards and had finished my book. I decided next time I'd skip "happy hour" and go directly to the zoo.


Anonymous said...

I went to one of those places in Illinois - the Atrium. One of my best friends and I had separated from our long marriages. A third friend, divorced for many years and a frequenter of lounges talked us into going with him. I was struck by two sights lots-o-women and men with "mutton chops". I hadn't seen that latter for years.

We could feel eyes following us as we went to the back for a table. To our (the other separated guy and me) relief there was no available table. The third guy wanted to wait for one. Ignoring him we both headed for the parking lot and went home to our wives practicing our stories of why we would never leave again.

Years later my wife died and I was forced to the second humiliating experience of Match. As you seem to have experienced things were marginally better there. My favorite experience there was the woman who said she loved me from the first time she met me. After a few difficult experiences and annoying disagreements in that relationship I was finished. In a phone conversation where she became convinced she said, "Well, would you fix me up with Mr. XXX. Her and Mr. XXX have been joined at the hip for over a year now. Sigh

Brig said...

This was funny reading...but true...
My kids have been after me to meet a nice man...well ok, but you know I do fine with a book, some music, some wine, and my pup...
I went in search of...not in bars/lounges, just not me.. quess what there aren't any, or a least very few. After looking thru about 500 profiles on match, I gave up. The pictures of old guys half naked with gold chains, pot bellies and wearing white socks with orthopedic shoes...was too much...

gail maria said...

I've been thru all the Match profiles and totally agree with you. Old men in gold chains with bare chests, pot bellies and white socks is more than I could withstand also. What are we to do?