Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Catch Him If You Can

So what about this crazy on-line book "Catch Him and Keep Him". Who is this man trapping expert , Christian Carter? A girlfriend of mine turned me onto the book as something that we might need, now that it appears our man trapping skills are obsolete. Personally I'm 0-4 this year in the man department; which translates into 4 men I've gone on 15 or more dates with and 0 commitments to be monogomous. That sucks. And confuses me as it doesn't seem to be asking too much . Sara says Christian can help, so I sign onto his web-site , but decide to hold off on downloading over 100 pages of how to lure, cajole, date, and keep my man, as it requires way too much ink. Man? Ink? Ink.

I am suprised one day when an advice letter shows up from Christian. He's trying to "catch and keep" me it seems. I admit I'm intrigued and read it, as I'm home because I can't get a man. After a couple of letters on dating I can only come to one conclusion;
CHRISTIAN you aren't dating men over 60! The NOT SO GAY divorcees ; the bitter and broke. Dating these men requires a questionnaire , not a set of new flirting/trapping skills. How about "On a scale from 1 - 10 how bitter and broke are you?
#1 being, "Hardly think about my ex, and my bank account has fully recuperated" and #10; "My piece of shit ex-wife and her racketeering lawyers left me with nothing." On, second thought do I really want to "catch and keep" one of these guys??? I'd like Christian to go on a date with some of these men and report back to me.

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