Friday, January 30, 2009

12 step programs sure are fun!

Wow, those young girlies dating or married to bankers, financiers, and Wall Street boys sure have it tough these days. I should take a good hard look in the mirror and breathe a big old sigh of relief because no one's cut my Bergdorf allowance or nanny hours back. Whew, and "get a freaking grip girls". I wish I could join your new 12 step program that I read about in the New York Times called, "Dating a Banker Anonymous" but I'm too old, don't have a banker boyfriend, Bergdorf allowance, or nanny . I love your idea of meeting over cocktails however, and wish I could just sit around in a party dress with you all and complain about how cranky and depressed my man is... but I have to work! I know this is not what you youngsters signed up for but sometimes bad things happen to 25 year old girls. Bummer.

Uh oh, more sad, sad news... according to Raoul Felder the Manhattan divorce lawyer, in these tough financial times "there aren't funds or time for mistresses any more." Crap, more unemployment. See I'm right, the world is coming to an end. Think of all the distraught struggling financiers who now have to actually go home to their even more distraught and materially deprived young wives. Hang on kids, you have "nothing to fear but fear itself". Well maybe the Bergdorf bill. And the IRS if you didn't "declare" the nanny on your income tax.

"Dating a Banker Anonymous" sounds like a fun group doesn't it? Bitching, moaning, feeling deprived and drinking an apple martini surely is the path to salvation. I love 12 step programs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh it gets worse. Now that the poor guy doesn't have a mistress to go to he is going home for sex. And, wait til they hear the things the mistress was willing to do - with a smile yet. I wonder how many husbands it takes to get a housewife on the lawn?

Maybe instead of having those apple martini's for lunch they should have them just before he gets home.

Awwwww It's not going to be so bad. Twenty billion of the spending package to create jobs is going to an increase in food stamps. Maybe they will have Bergdorf will take them or aren't there apples in apple martinis?