Monday, May 5, 2008

Mr. Big, Mr. Big !!

Does Carrie marry Mr. Big???? I confess I can't wait to know. And yes, I'm counting the days until the movie comes out. Knowing Carrie's future has usurped obsessing about my own. Fiction is so much more fun. I've put the countdown to the election on hold for the countdown to the movie. Oh God, I'm shallow. (Sorry Hillary and Barack, I'll get back to you). I say marry him. He's tall so she'd never have to wear flats . Although I admit, I couldn't really decide between Aiden and Mr. Big . That was a tough call. I know men who stopped watching after she dumped Aiden. Wow, some impressively sensitive guys out there. Sorry boys, I was sad but still addicted to the show. Hard to say what a woman's going to do isn't it? I loved Aiden, so cute and cuddly, but I admit the rich and powerful Big was oh so tempting. The "bad boy" vs the "nice guy"- one of romance's age old battles.

I think "nice guys" finish last and THEN first. "Bad boys" are a starter kit. They're elusive, roguish, and face it, damn sexy. They stare at you attentively one minute and poof! gone the next. " Hey where'd you go? I thought I was your girlfriend"! They don't have girlfriends, just an endless series of dates. I've been fooled on more than one occasion. I've naively assumed that if a man called me 5 times a day, took me out every night to some fab restaurant, and bought me presents, that after a couple of months of this lovely, flattering behavior he was my guy....and mine alone. I got him. I caught the "Mr. Big" fish no one else could reel in. Ha, ha, I'm an idiot because he's gone and I'm left wracking my brain, wondering what it was I said to offend him. Ok, at the time I didn't laugh. I wasn't different from the woman before me and yes, there will be a woman after one gets this guy. Face it, if it wasn't for these men an entire section of Borders and Barnes & Noble would be empty. They're a cottage industry.

Enter: the "nice guy". Good guys of the world, this is your moment! Now you get the girl. Oh and don't get all pouty that you weren't picked first. Who cares! Put your ego on the back burner and say the one word you have in your arsenal that Mr. Big doesn't....COMMITMENT. So Carrie, if I were you, and call me a cock-eyed pessimist....have a back-up plan. I keep a storage locker.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honey, you should read US magazine more often. Aidan Shaw, a.k.a. John Corbett, has gotten fat, whereas the "bad boy" Mr. Big is still hot. Oh wait, I think US pictured them both coming out of the surf, yuk! Stick with your current guy, fantasize that he is on the golden screen where he appears as 6'4" and 39. afterall your real life nice guy is fit and trim.