Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm smarter than a 5th grader

I hate reality tv. Hate. Hate. Hate. Btw so does my friend Kathy. It's like a freaking virus, as everyday there's a new and even more stupid show. Who needs this much "reality"? My world is real enough without watching someone elses. For God's sake who cares about the last "Survivor"? I have my own survival issues and none of them have to do with eating Scorpions in a bikini. I'd call my show "I'm about to be homeless" or "Crap my rent is due". As for "The Bachelor", if those nubile 20 year olds can't find a husband on their own they should seriously consider becoming nuns. I can't bear watching the poor creatures make complete fools of themselves for a man. Come on girls, ditch the bachelor and find a career; a much better long range plan. Now about losing weight in prime time, ixnay to that also. Why is this a tv show? And how did everyone get so fat? I say, "Put the double Mac with cheese down and step away from the counter". Ironically "The Next Top Model" seems like an infomercial for eating disorders doesn't it?

Hang on for the latest addition to reality tv... watching people "tackle" turning 40? What could possibly be more boring? A much better alternative would be , "What I would trade to be 40 AGAIN". This would be imaginative and very very dark programming in my book. "Hmmmmm, there's mom..." Personally I'd like to see President Bush be a contestant on "Are you smarter than a 5th grader"? Wouldn't we all really like to know? Although sadly and frighteningly I think we do. I will admit however, that I've actually cried watching, "Extreme Make-over;Home Edition". It's true, real tears, in prime time. See I have a heart. Although "move that bus" gets on my nerves.

I'd like real people to get off my tv screen . Let them go home to eat Scorpions, lose weight, repeat 5th grade, find husbands, turn 40, and become models. Please keep them away from me. In the meantime, I'm turning on the radio.

1 comment:

Dr. Ruth formally known as Viking Jen said...

I agree 100% that reality shows and BAD BAD BAD!! Who the hell came up with that scam? Is TV going cheap? How much do they pay this people? Sometimes I wonder if Jerry Springer show is more fun to watch than 20 beautiful women begging to marry a guy for money. I do agree that "Extreme Make-Over; Home Edition" does bring tears to my eyes, plus Ty Pennington is HOT, hey I may be gay but I still appreciate a good-looking building contractor. Now, we might think that Reality Shows are a waste of time, but some of us watch regular TV sitcoms and believe that what happens on "All My Children" is actually real. I just wish that Bette Porter (played by my gorgeous goddess Jennifer Beals on "The L Word") would be my reality, I want to be Tina (Bette's life partner) and in my dreams I am Tina. Too bad that in reality Jennifer Beals is straight. Such is life. But she tough me how to take my bra off without taking my shirt off, I learned that from watching Flashdance or was I focused on Jennifer Beals? I say STOP REALITY SHOWS!!! Bring back Mr. Rogers after all he did have the neighborhood of make believe.