Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Help Wanted

Think of it, John McCain is making a career change at 71! Yikes! Hey there older guy , go for it. It's really nice you still have aspirations. Odd however, that no one is grousing about your looking too old for the job. I'm wondering, has anyone whispered to you about "Grecian Formula for Men"? Of course I would recommend a really good colorist if you decide to go that route. Always, always better than over the counter products. I don't hear complaining about those wrinkles around your eye area. It is a nasty little age give-away. Rush Limbaugh doesn't like Hillary's wrinkles and is repulsed thinking about watching a woman President grow old. Is Rush married? And does he own a mirror? John, apparently he doesn't like you either and it doesn't have to do with facial lines. I say screw him, but you know, a little Botox and the years will pour off.

I think it's great that at 71 the public is willing to consider you for President. It's impossible to get a job in your seventies according to statistics. I couldn't get new employment in my fifties without plastic surgery and a fake birth certificate. I read there is a little nervousness about your dying in office. That must hurt your feelings and also be a tad scary to think about. Btw, who are you considering for Vice President? Oh never mind, Ronald Reagan was an old Commander- in- Chief, although he dyed his hair and used very good cosmetics. I can't help but wonder however, when exactly his Alzsheimers kicked in? Don't mind me, I'm a "glass half empty" gal, you just go ahead and apply for the job.

Are you worried you won't get picked? This could be your last shot at gainful employment. I think Congress may expand unemployment insurance however, with the failing economy and the "r" word floating around. That's great news for both of us. But I'm not concerned about you, you're a survivor, not a wimp like me. So John, good luck. I can't say my fingers are crossed for you as that would be a big fat lie, but I can say, if you do dye your hair, grow a beard first for visual diversion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to forward this to Maureen Dowd (& Hillary Clinton) -- it's brilliantly written & really, really spot on. I think if Mr. McCain is elected (may the gods help us all & may property in Vancouver be less expensive & more available), you should be considered for his Director (Mistress?) of Protocol. xxoo, jodotter